Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tons of Measurement Fun! {freeeeebies}

I'm writing to you today from the couch, where I have spent majority of my weekend!  I'm starting to feel a liiiiittle drained (as I'm sure many of you are as well).  If you are already on your Spring Break --  I hope you're enjoying it.  If you're like me and trying to make it through the week so you can relax for a little bit, we are ALMOST there! :)
We've been working hard in second grade on our measurement unit, so I have lots of fun goodies to share with you today!
We started with the activities in my Measurement Monsters Pack.  It has lots of centers and supplemental materials to help you teach Measuring inches, feet, yards, and centimeters. Click the image below to check it out in my store.
Here are a few activities that my kiddos completed this week:
In this center, they had to measure these cute little monsters with inches.  Then they had to compare monsters find the difference in their heights.
Then we sorted by Units of Measure!
SO sorry for the terrible quality of these pictures. I haven't figured out how to take a good one with my iPad.  But let me explain what we did for this activity because it was SO SO SO FUN!!!   I wanted to mix things up a little and add a little excitement, so I turned this sort into a relay race! I placed the Units of Measure on 1 side of the room and the cards with the objects on the other.  The kids had to pick up an object card and hurry to the other side of the room to sort it into the correct pile.  Then as soon as they sat down in their chair, the next person on their team went.  When either team gets all their cards sorted, you have your winner.  It was a BLAST and you could definitely use this "Relay Race" for ANY sorts you do in your class.
After we practiced this sort a few times (so everyone got a chance) we did the corresponding cut and paste activity as a quick assessment.  It's included in the pack, but you can pick up your copy by clicking the image below.  You won't have the sort to go with it, but it can stand alone as well.
We practiced measuring to the half inch, too! This Spring Themed measuring activity is from my Smile... It's Spring! Math Centers pack. 
Last, but not least... I want to offer you another freebie!  Our district requires us to teach some simple "conversions" in second grade.  My kids were having trouble memorizing these so I turned them into a song!  This song is sung to the tune of Jingle Bells and my kids absolutely love it.  Any chance they get to sing, they are all about it... they begged me to make a song for this unit! :) You can listen to my sweeties singing, then snag your own copy of this song below! :)
Alright, I'm off! 1 week and then break. I. Can. NOT. Wait! :)
OH YEAH I ALMOST FORGOT!!!! If you haven't checked out the Spring Linky that I hosted last week, you simply HAVE to!! There are 250 Spring Related Goodies for you to check out.  CLICK HERE to head over there to link up or just to check out some fabulous resources for your classroom!


  1. I LOVE your game idea! That is GENIUS! :)

    Thanks for the freebie - I will definitely be using this with my kiddos.

    Joy in the Journey

  2. Hi! This is unrelated to this post, although I will be back for these freebies when I start Measurement! I just wanted to comment somewhere and tell you I am new fan of your blog and TPT store! I am a first year teacher in second grade too and am impressed at all of your cute products that seem so easy to use and helpful. Way to go!

    1. You are so sweet! I really appreciate your kind words. If you happen to see this reply, shoot me an email at ... I'd be so happy to make your first year teaching load a little lighter, if there's an item in my store that will help you with your current units, I'll send it to you!

  3. Hey Sam! I love your monster themed measurement packet! (I have one too!) My 2nd grade kiddos love monster themes! I am off to check out your packet because we are just about to start that unit! Thanks for sharing!

    The Applicious Teacher

  4. Thanks goodness for blogs like yours! I love everything in your TPT and your pictures help me with ideas alot! Im a first year teacher!! im addicted to teaching blogs!
