Saturday, March 9, 2013

Spicing up your Spelling/Word Work *Giveaway!*

I can NOT believe I'm working on report cards for our third quarter.  How is it even possible that we're headed into our last grading period of the school year? 
Are any of your kiddos starting to drag their feet a little?  We got through 3/4 of a school year doing the same 10 Word Work activities for spelling practice during Literacy Centers.  And I loved them... but I figured I would do my kiddos a favor and spice things up a little for the last nine weeks! I'm really excited to begin using these in my classroom!
In this pack, I've included 10 activities for their choosing during Word Work.  Best part?  VERY little prep work.  I just leave the laminated task cards, all the copied recording sheets, and a list of their words for the week and the kiddos do the rest?  I'm all about working SMARTER not harder.  Click the picture to check them out in my store.
This pack includes these 10 activities.
Pyramid Words
Red Vowels, Blue Consonants
Parts of Speech Sort
Word Worth $
Secret Agent
Flapbook Frenzy
ABC Order
Super Sentences
I Spy!
Sincerely Yours (Letter Writing)
I'm particularly excited about Secret Agents and I Spy! 
I know my babies are going to LOVE them! Can't wait to post some pictures for you guys to see of these centers in action.  For now, all I can do is...

You've got weekend to enter and I will announce 2 winners tomorrow around 8 PM! You can enter *2 WAYS!*
1.  Leave a blog post comment explaining anything special you do to motivate your kiddos in the last quarter of school.
2. Promote my new Word Work Choice 2 pack in some way (blog, facebook, pinterest) and leave a comment with a link to your promotion!
I'll be back tomorrow with the winners!  If you're worried you won't win this one, you could always  click the image below to check out my first Word Work Choice pack! It's currently discounted.



  1. I love your Word Work packs! I *try* to motivate my kiddos by throwing theme days each Friday nearing the end of school - academics are the same, but they can choose to participate in the theme days, such as wearing wacky hats on Hat Day, wearing their favorite pajamas on PJ Day, doing their craziest hairstyles on Hilarious Hair Day, etc.

    I have pinned about your great Word Work Choice Pack 2 here

    Mindful Rambles

  2. I don't have any hugely significant strategies to keep my kids motivated. I just try to keep things hands-on and engaging. I also start to mention second grade and how second graders behave and work. That seems to motivate some kids to focus.

    I pinned your Word Work pack. Here is the link.

    Compassionate Teacher

  3. Teaching at the end of the years is really my favorite time! I always tell my kiddos how they are the best second graders they will ever be at this point and I expect them to act as much. Like PP, I also try to keep lessons fresh, fun, and hands on. The more hands on the better! I am sharing a link to your give away on FB! Thanks!

    The Applicious Teacher

  4. We do more hands-on activities and craftivities to help them stay engaged as they always seem fidgety during that time of year! Hoping to be a lucky winner!

  5. What a cute idea! My kids love change. Anything new IS exciting:) Everyone loves dice this week...I found the rear view mirror dice at a nearby store and they smell great - we are doing dice math games for now:)

  6. My class is motivated at the moment because they are trying to fill up their good behavior jar for a party.

  7. I pinned your Word Work Choice 2 here:

  8. I pinned it here:

  9. I pinned it here!

  10. My kids get motivated by trying to win the Super Speller and Super Reader awards that are given out at the end of the quarter.

  11. Hoping to be the winner of this pack to spice up my work work time.

    I just try to keep things more hands-on and give kids choices about how they show what they are learning. Using lots of technology helps to keep them engaged as well since they LOVE it!

    I pinned your post at:
    Teacher Gone Digital

  12. I would love to win you Spelling activities. After testing, I try to have my kids move around the room more to find things. They are in search of synonyms, antonyms, incomplete sentences, etc. They like moving around more than just for centers. I try to introduce new things we haven't done before to keep their interest. It is tough but we do manage.


  13. I pinned it!

  14. I love the word work activities!
