Sunday, February 17, 2013

Long Time...

Hey there friends, sorry it's been a while since my last visit.  I have been a terrible blogger/TPT'er as of late.  Does anyone else get into a mode where they just have no motivation?  That's where I had been hiding for the last few weeks!  I finally came out of my hibernation and have begun a product I'm very excited about!  SO, I promise to come back soon with LOTS of pictures for
Just want to test drive it with my kiddos before I come back and give some away to you lovelies! I have a Measurement unit that uses cute little monsters and my kids (boys  and girls!) absolutely *LOVE* the sweet little creatures.  I knew I had to use them again!
P.S.  How awesome is it that today is NOT the last day of the weekend?  HOLLA! :)

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