Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's that time of year again! [freebie]

Friends, I come to you with a confession.  I have a problem.  A girl scout cookie problem. 
*DROOL* Samoas.  These are my favorites, though I certainly don't discriminate.  I'll take any Thin Mint or Tagalong you offer me, too!  Now - Before, I would have to stalk neighborhood children during Girl Scout season, but now I've got a whole flock of them in my very own classroom.  This lead to a dilemma -- See facebook status below...
Does anyone else find theirselves in the position of eating triple the serving size.. or *GASP* a whole sleeve of Thin Mints in one sitting?! EEK! What's your favorite kind of Girl Scout Cookie?
I suppose I should mention something educational, you know, on this educational blog of mine!  I was a proud momma last week.  The proud momma of 27 second graders.  We took our Post-Test over Geometry and 100% of my babies scored 80% or above!  I was SO thrilled! We worked *HARD* all the way through this geometry pack...

...and my babies did amazing!  Click any of the pictures above to check out the Geometry Unit in my TPT store!  Click the picture below to snag a freebie from the pack to practice 3-D shape Naming/Recognition! :)
Alright, that's it for me! Happy Girl Scout Cookie Eating! :)


  1. Amen! Increasing the obesity rate 3.50 at a time! I have 10 boxes ordered this year!!! My teacher friend literally had to tear a box of cookies from my hands because I almost ate the ENTIRE box!!!! I CAN NOT be left alone with a box...dangerous...very dangerous! But it's just once a year, right? ;)

  2. You are not alone! I will take a good Thin Mint any day, any time! :)

    Granny Goes to School

  3. Girl Scout cookies are $4.25 here! I actually have my cousin buy me some where she lives because they are different then the ones sold in my county. I like Peanut Butter Patties and not their alternate ego Tagalongs. Even though they are essentially the same cookie believe it or not the taste different.

    The cookies freeze really well! I still have two boxes in my freezer from last year! YUM!

    Christina :)
    Apples, Books, and Crayons

  4. My favorite GS cookies are the Samoas as well! I can't get enough! It's good that they only come once a year!

    That's wonderful that your 2nd graders all passed with proficiency! Congratulations on being a wonderful, effective teacher :)

    Mindful Rambles

  5. I am with you on the eating a whole sleeve of Thin Mints in one sitting thing! I LOVE those. My new major indulgence is the Girl Scout Sundae Dashers at Carvel. They are layers of cookies and ice cream with chocolate syrup. Amazing!!

    Congrats on your students doing so well on the geometry test. Thanks for the freebie.

    Compassionate Teacher

  6. I was excited to read your post, because I should have some Girl Scout cookies on the way. Woo hoo! My favorite is the Samoa too. I can eat an entire box in one setting.

  7. Samoa is also my favorite cookie! I have FIVE girl scouts in my class this year, before I knew this I bought 2 boxes from the first girl. That meant I had to buy 2 boxes for EVERY girl! I just recovered from my holiday weight, I guess I need to start planning ahead and get in an extra workout every February! :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac
    Bear in Mind Blog Design

  8. I too have Girl Scout cookies coming my way! Thank you so much for sharing the cute game. I know my class will like this!

  9. I just found your blog! Too cute! Thanks for the geometry freebie. My kids will love it!

    Lucky In Learning
