Saturday, August 3, 2013

My new K classroom... the big reveal! ;)

Hey friends, long time no... see? talk? blog?  Well, anyway... I've been MIA for a good reason.  As you know, I recently accepted a position teaching K.  This move was not only to a new school, but also a new district!  I have been SOOOOOOO busy working in my classroom.  I came into a bit of a mess -- the teacher who left, didn't take much with her.  There was ten years of STUFF crammed into every nook and cranny of this classroom, so I'm VERY proud to show you what I've been up to!  These pictures were taken last week -- before kids.  I got kids yesterday -- 29 sweet kinder faces.  29.  Yep. So the room no longer looks quite this good, but I'm going to live through the pictures ;)
First is our failed attempt at a panorama.  Yes, my class is huge, but it's not quite as huge as this picture makes it seem. 
 This is my math area.  I'm not happy with the calendar.  I will be printing and laminating some bigger number and shape posters to hang sometime next week!
 Here's one of my student work bulletin boards.  I will put clothespin on those ribbons to easily swap out student work.  Notice the curtains at the bottom?  They are covering open shelving and I can't stand the clutter, so I covered that stuff up!  *P.s. the ugly number posters at the top are a school requirement :(*
 Front of the room/large group area.  Nice view of my little pompoms! They were a little time consuming but I love how they turned out!
 View from the middle of the room toward the math area/storage.  You can also see my teacher area here! All three of those large desks were in the room and I wasn't allowed to move any of them out.  And so was born the biggest teacher area ever! You can see my center storage carts that I blogged about a few week weeks ago!
 Guided Reading table and organization.  That shelf behind it houses all of my letter manipulatives, guided reading books, and planning materials!
 Back of the room.  I love the dark cabinetry at this school.  Those Dollar Tree baskets really pop! 
 Last but not least, our classroom library!  The reading loft was already in the room and I L-O-V-E it.  I had one student ask me probably 4,000 times when he was going to get to "climb up in there"
I know there has been some debate lately - Cute vs. Not Cute.  I tend to lean toward CUTE!  My main focus is on organization.  Everything must have a place and nothing can look cluttered.  I go for an open feel and functional.  Minimal *stuff* on the walls and in open shelves.  But then, I also love me some bright colors and cute accents.  Thanks for coming by and checking it out! This is going to be my home for quite some time now, and I'm ready to enjoy it! :)


  1. Looks amazing! LOVE the bright colors! :) I'm so jealous of your little tree house! I would love to have one of those!

    First Grade Fabulosity

  2. First off 29 Kinders, Oh My! Secondly, your room looks so organized and cute! I happen to love cute. I think you can have cute and functional,and in my opinion,the kids do notice and they enjoy it. Great work!

  3. Thanks, Hadar! I bought some of your adorable direction cards and can't wait to get them on my white board! :) They match my colors perfectly! <3

  4. LOVE your room! The rug is my fav! ...29 Kindergarteners? Wow!
    Mrs. Christy’s Leaping Loopers

  5. I walked into a similar situation in my classroom. Tons of stuff left to go through as well as all of my stuff to organize and arrange. It was craziness! Your room looks awesome though! I love the bright colors.

    Ms Richards's Musings

  6. It looks great!

    A New Teacher's Journey

  7. Love the bright colors! I am sorry about 29 kindergarteners! Is that your limit? In our district 25 is the limit (I think it should be 20!). I have a question for your pom poms! What size of paper did you use and how many sheets? I keep trying but mine are not puffy enough! Thanks!

  8. omg I WANT that reading tree house. that has to be one of the coolest pieces of furniture. you're so lucky it was left there for you!

  9. Your room looks beautiful and organized. Cute is fine by me. I love how big and spacious it is.
    ✿Tiffani Time 4 Kindergarten

  10. I am drooling over your room! It looks amazing. I just love it!
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  11. Wow...what an amazing learning space. You have definitely managed cute and organised balance beautifully. Trusting this will be the start of a wonderful year for you.

    All the best
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  12. OMG! Your room looks ahhmaazing!!! Seriously! Totally jealous of the hugeness... and you have it looking fantastic. I'd give my left pinkie for that reading loft!
    I guess you do need a huge amazing room with 29(!!) kinders. I was getting all worked up after seeing we had 22. I know your going to love K!

  13. That's a great room! I can't believe you have 29 kids! We aren't allowed to hang things from our ceiling or I would so be making those cute pompoms!

    My Kinder-Garden

  14. I love your new room! I am moving to a new room this year and hope that it turns out at least 1/2 as cute as yours:)

    Primary Classrooms are Oceans of Fun
