Thursday, June 27, 2013

New Grade Level and New Classroom! EEEK! :)

Friends, I am right in the midst of some seriously exciting changes!  This past year, I taught second grade and I absolutely loved it.  I was driving 35 minutes to work, and though the commute wasn't awful -- my heart has always been in another district.  I had the opportunity to interview in my dream district, and ... drumroll please... I GOT THE JOB! :)
With my new district, comes a new grade level and... YAY!... a new classroom to decorate.  I will now be teaching KINDERGARTEN!  I'm a bit nervous about getting these tiny children acclimated to school.  I am open to any and all advice :)
I'm so so SO excited to decorate my new classroom.  In fact, it's been all I can think about, and - not yet having access to the actual room - I still found a way to get right to work! I designed myself a classroom theme pack and am in the process now of printing, laminating, and hanging things on ribbons!
I designed this pack with BOLD, BRIGHT colors! As silly as it sounds, I based my colors around some awesome Dollar Tree Baskets.  Do you have a Dollar Tree near you?  Literally EVERYTHING is $1.  I have found my dollar tree baskets to be very sturdy and they will match this set perfectly!
Here's a little sneak peak at everything I plan on hanging around my room to BRIGHTEN up the place!
I am so excited to get in there and start decorating! If you want your classroom to be Bright, Bold, and filled with Fun patterns, click the image below to check this item out! 
I am paying the price to print these out at Staples.  If you're looking for something a little more ink/printer friendly... Check out my Bright Colors on White.
Thanks for reading, friends.  I'm so excited to start this new adventure in Kindergarten.  I can't WAIT to get into my room and make myself at home.  I am looking for some awesome Kindergarten blogs to follow -- let me know if you know of some! 


  1. Yay! So excited for you! You will LOVE Kindergarten, I promise! The first few weeks are rough and you will be TIRED but it makes up for it with their sweet little smiles and eagerness to learn! Let me know if you have any questions!

    Mrs. Jones’s Kindergarten

    1. Thanks for the sweet message, Karen! I was secretly hoping you'd see my post ;)

      I'm admittedly very nervous for the first few weeks. I have no idea what to anticipate! I have met some of the ladies from my team though and they seem fabulously helpful!

      I will definitely keep your email handy!

  2. Congratulations on your new adventure!
    Where Seconds Count

  3. Congrats! I've been in kindergarten for 13 years and LOVE it!
    Polka Dot Kinders

  4. Sam, I am so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!! SMILES and stop by anytime!

  5. Yeah! That is so exciting! Congratulations!! And I LOVE that tray you found. So cute. :)
