Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A note to all of the amazing teachers who continue to influence me...

Teachers - I just have to say ... I have never appreciated your work more than I have this year.  Many of you know that this has been my first year teaching.  It has been such a whirlwind.  I could not have made it to May (!!!!!) without the help of many amazing teachers (and bloggers!)  The work that goes into teaching is seriously unmatched.  There is always more to do.  From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for everything you do in the lives of the children you meet.  I thank you for the outreach to families.  For the pile of paperwork you will fill out before the year's end.  For the "comments" section of report cards. For the hilarious conversations in the Teacher's Lounge.  For being a shoulder when your coworker has a rough day.  For helping new teachers navigate through unfamiliar waters.  I thank you for everything you do as a teacher, mentor, coach, parent, friend, nurse, counselor, and role model.  You are appreciated.
Now Shop. You deserve it.
TPT is showing their L-O-V-E for teachers by throwing a HUGE sale! I'm participating by putting my entire store 20% off through tomorrow, May 8.  It's been super fun filling up my own cart with goodies for the end of this year and all of next year! :) Click the graphic to head on over to my store. 

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