Monday, July 8, 2013

K/1 GIVEAWAY FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the past few weeks, I've shared with you all the news of my move to Kindergarten.  While I was very nervous at first, I find myself getting more and more excited every day.  Plus, after lots of trips to Target and Dollar Tree, I've got lots of new goodies, and don't we all love new stuff?!

In the spirit of new stuff, I've decided to Host a Giveaway for Kindergarten and First grade teachers!! I have so many amazing second grade bloggy buddies, so I have LOVED having the opportunity to collaborate with some fabulous K/1 teachers to get you all some AMAZING prizes! I emailed a few of my favorite bloggers and they've donated some great items for you to win! :)

You can enter to win Kindergarten prizes and/or First Grade prizes up until July 11 at 11:00 PM.  I will announce the winners on Friday!

For the Kindergarten Teachers, Click the links below to check out the items you can win! While you're there, follow these amazing TPT stores (That's one of the ways you can enter to win the giveaway!)

Enter below -- I will be checking the winners for honesty, here!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
For the First Grade Teachers, Click the links below to check out the items you can win! While you're there, follow these amazing TPT stores (That's one of the ways you can enter to win the giveaway!)

Enter below -- I will be checking the winners for honesty, here!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have I mentioned yet that I'm on facebook now?  One of the ways you can earn entries for this giveaway is to follow me there -- I'm really excited about this new adventure! :) Click the "facebook" image on the top, right-hand corner of my blog.

There you have it! Lots of K/1 FUN!  Enter before July 11 at 11:00 PM to win!


  1. So glad you're sharing with 1st!!! Thanks!

  2. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway and the great links to so many kindergarten blogs & TPT stores!!!!!

  3. Wahoo! I SOOOO hope it's ok for us to enter too! These packs look fantastic!!!!

  4. Thanks so much for the giveaway and new kindergarten sites!

  5. great giveaway! I'm moving from first to kindergarten and am soo excited! I'm nervous too, but I think it'll be a lot of fun ;)


  6. Love, Love, Love this! Crossing my fingers I win! :)

  7. You are going to LOVE teaching Kindergarten. Thanks for the giveaway. I am about to enter. Lastly thanks for the connections to some blogs I don't know about!

    All the best
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  8. Great giveaway! I just found your blog and I'm a new follower. It's great! I moved to Kindergarten last year and loved every minute!

    Always an Adventure in Kindergarten

  9. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win

  10. New to teaching and it will be Kindergarten, can't wait!

  11. Thanks for this great giveaway! :) So many super things! Have fun with your move. Kindergarten is awesome!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

  12. I'm going to kindergarten too. I've been teaching 2nd/3rd excel for 7 years so it will be a huge change BUT I am so excited!

  13. Wow! That's some great 1st grade stuff. AND you will love kindergarten!!
