Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Blog Makeover!

YAY! I'm so excited. As you can see, my blog got a MAJOR makeover. I may be a little biased here -- but I'm in love with it! I've been in a bit of a "creating lull" ... just not feeling too much motivation this week. This new blog is just want I needed. And a new BUTTON! I love buttons!
For anyone who is looking for a new blog design, I HIGHLY suggest contacting Megan over at A Bird in Hand Design. She was wonderful to work with and she got this done SO quickly! I feel like we were in constant contact and she worked really hard to make this design represent me. Click the picture below to go check out her blog!
A Bird in Hand Blog Design
Oh, and guess what! Tomorrow is FRIDAY! :)


  1. This looks AWESOME!
    I just got my blog designed by Megan a couple of weeks ago and definitely agree that she was wonderful to work with!

    Congratulations on the new look :)

    Joy in the Journey

    1. Jessica yours looks amazing! Isn't Megan awesome? SO creative.

  2. It's FABULOUS! Congrats! Happy {almost} Friday!

    Lucky to Be in First

  3. So glad you love it! I had so much fun working on your design.

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?
    A Bird in Hand Designs

  4. I love your new design. Working with Megan is great - she is so talented.

    Looking From Third to Fourth
