Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sale Reminder and Christmas with the Kelly's!

Hey friends.. just wanted to pop in real quick to share some fun with you!  Like many of you, I have been busy decorating for Christmas.  It all feels so much more special for me this year because this is my first Christmas in my very. own. home!  Love our house and wanted to share with you a picture of our first tree as a married couple! :) 

Yay! Please ignore that clock behind it.. that will need to be moved for the season! Who needs to tell time anyway?  OH, that's right.. my second graders!! We start our math unit on telling time tomorrow, so expect me to be sharing lots of time-themed goodies with you in the next month!  I'm excited to dive into some of these activities...

I'm sure I don't need to remind you .. as blogland is currently EXPLODING with all the buzz! But just in case you haven't heard yet -- Tomorrow is our HUGE Cyber Monday + Bonus Tuesday sale! You can get 28% off all the items in my store as well as MANY other stores by entering the promo code CMT12 -- So load up your carts and wishlists and get ready for some serious savings!  I know I will be stocking up! :) Click the picture below to go to my store! 


  1. Hi Kelly! Your Christmas tree looks great! I tried to get my fiancé to go out and get ours this weekend but he said it was still too early. Once December 1st hits, he will be out of excuses!

    I nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award! Check out my blog post for all the details!


  2. I am so super excited that I found your blog! It is FANTASTIC! That is why I nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award and am your newest follower - you rock! Check out my blog post for all the information!

  3. We also have nominated you for a Leibster Award! It is an award to attract more followers to your blog. Check out all about it on our blog.

    Kindergarten Squared
