First and foremost, Happiest of Thanksgivings my friends!! I hope you enjoy this day in whatever fashion you desire. Football, family, parades, food comas, what have you! :)
In the sprit of giving, I wanted to drop by and offer you a little Christmastime freebie. It comes from my A Very Kinder Christmas pack. Click the image to download your copy!
Also, teachers, have you ever heard of Donors Choose? It's amazing. In short, it's a grant writing website that anonymous donors go to and fund your projects. I have a project up right now BEGGING for some FUN and engaging resources to use for Indoor Recess. It's starting to get cold in Indiana and these sweet kinders NEEEEEEEEEED to let off some recess steam. I thought this could be fun -- if you donate $5 to my Donors Choose project BEFORE December 2nd... I will send you $10 worth of TPT products from my store! :) Make sure to use the code INSPIRE and Donors Choose will MATCH your donation!!!! Just make your donation and email me at to let me know what you'd like from my store! If you haven't checked out the website for yourself... do a little browsing. It's really a great idea (especially for teachers just starting out like me!... we need STUFF!)
Here's the link...Donor's Choose Project
Here's the link...Donor's Choose Project
Alright, I'm off to go celebrate Thanksgiving. I choose the family/food coma route!

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