Hey, friends!!! For some reason I'm feeling really energized this morning. Though it's been very hot and humid during the day, the mornings are cool and crisp. Fall isn't too far away!
With this energy, I decided to blog (hah!) I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday. It's my first time and I'm already failing because it's Saturday, but you'll still read, right? :)
We've gone COLOR CRAZY in my kinder class. Since the beginning of school, we've been learning one color per week. I decided to make a pack so that each week would have some consistency to help my kiddos get into a routine. I. AM. IN. LOVE. WITH. THIS. PACK! My kids are so engaged during this time of the day! :) We paint, we cut/paste, we sort, we write/read/and color! Here's a few pics of my kiddos working in their interactive readers for the color red.
(click to check it out!)
The hubs is sick. He really did not want me to take a picture of him. Even after pleading... "But it's for my blog!" This is what we got. As you can see, the dogs have been very concerned about him.
SINCE the hubs is sick, we stayed in last night and started a new series on Netflix. Has anyone watched the Netflix original Orange is the New Black? I'm midly obsessed. It's set in prison and fairly graphic. Do not watch if easily offended!
Have you ever heard of Educents? I just recently discovered it and I'm in love. It's another venue for purchasing educational resources, but it's got some things that you wouldn't typically see on TPT... like large music bundles or phonics programs. Anyway, I'm participating in an AMAZING Kindergarten bundle at Educents. You can get 24 products for $30. It's greater than a $100 savings. Kind of unreal. Click the image below to check it out!
I'm offering my Short Vowels - CVC Pack! It's great for second semester of Kinder or Review for Beginning of the Year First Grade! :)
Anyone here teach Number Bonds? We worked all week on Bonds of 4 and as a station, my kids did a shake and spill with red/yellow counters. They loved it! I, personally, love when my students enjoy a SIMPLE station. Easy prep... check!
We made some adorable Dd puppets when learning the letter Dd this week! My kids LOVED making these and it was great practice for following directions, coloring, cutting, and gluing! After we made the puppets, we brought them to the carpet and went through picture/word cards. If those words started with the letter d, they made their dogs "bark"! So fun.
Click the image below to download a free template for making your own dog puppets!

Found your post on Five For Friday. Following! Smiles, Jayne
ReplyDeleteSmart Kids
ABCs of Reading
How did you submit your product for the K bundle?