Thursday, July 11, 2013

Reminder and Vacation!! YAY YAY YAY!

Y'all (I never said this word until I started blogging... there just aren't enough good words to start a blog post with). Have you ever had tons of important things to do... like TONS... but gotten focused on blogging/TPT instead? I don't know WHAT I was thinking throwing a giveaway right before I leave for vacation -- my eyes have been glued to my computer/phone/iPad/other people's phones/you name the electronic device.  EEK!  Well, I'm here with a FINAL reminder so I can go back to living my life ... and now last minute scrambling to do a thousand things.
THIS fabulous giveaway ends TONIGHT!  Click the image to go check it out. Seriously -- If I could enter/win without it looking terribly suspicious -- I'd be all OVER it!  The bloggers who contributed are absolutely amazing.  So ENTER... NOW... what are you waiting for?
Now that I've said those final words... let me tell you about the 56 million things I have to do before leaving for vacation on Saturday.
1. Turn in allll my final paperwork for my new job.
2. Finish pulling up carpet because we are getting new floors tomorrow.
3. Move furniture for said new floors.
4. PACK.
5. Get the guest room/guest bath ready for my BIL who is staying with one of my dogs at the house.
6. Get my two furry little boys ready to stay at Momo's and Pawpaw's. YEP... my dogs have names for their grandparents.
7. Work in my mess of a classroom for what seems like the final time before I go back to school. EEK.
8. Grocery shop for BIL and get ferret food so they don't die while we're gone!!!!!
9. Clean up the MESS that the floor people will leave and move all furniture back onto our *hopefully* amazing new floors.
10. Get a fabulous cut and color.
Assuming I get all of that done, then Saturday morning I'm leaving to visit my very best friend at her new home in Monterey, California! Her husband just joined the Air Force and that is where they'll be for the next year and a half.  Then, after five days there -- we are meeting some of our crazy party animal besties in Vegas.  I've never been -- and am especially fearful of going with two of the biggest party people I know, so cross your fingers I make it out alive ;)
Here .... Goes .... Nothin' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya on this one! I threw my first giveaway a couple weeks ago right before we left on vacation. I was going NUTS trying to get it all up and running and managing it. Have fun in Vegas!

    Always an Adventure in Kindergarten
