Monday, April 1, 2013

Currently, Some News, and a Freebie.

As always, I'm in complete shock that another month has come and gone.  I'm happy to welcome April, though, because that means the temperatures should finally start mellowing out.  Our Easter actually turned out really nice. No coat = Happy Sam!  To celebrate April, I'm linking up with Farley at Oh Boy! 4th Grade for her April Currently!
They are all pretty self explanatory, so no need to go in depth for you!
I usually try to post about something else on a "Currently" day, so you're not left without something educational to read.  I so wish I could do that for you!  I've been working on about a million different projects, a little at a time, so I've got lots of Works In Progress(es?) going on!  I do have some news to share with you though!
I'm super excited because.... AS WE SPEAK... Megan from A Bird in Hand Designs is working on a Custom Blog Design for me! I'm so excited to step out of this little Blog Outfit I've worn since I started in August and into something Fresh and ADORABLE! :)
ALSO, sometime this week, I plan on starting a Monthly linky that I would  LOVE LOVE LOVE for you to come link up to!  It will be a way for us to get to know each other a little better and give us the opportunity to share some things going on in our classrooms at the same time.  Check back soon for...
And lastly, if you made it this far... I've got a little freebie for you --  nothing special but perhaps it could help you out a little when you're exploring non-fiction texts! We've been working on Summarizing and Paraphrasing for the past few weeks, and I've been using this little guy as an assessment piece.


  1. I also in major need of motivation. Love your advice because it is so true!
    Glad to have found you!

    Apples and Papers

  2. Hi! I like the advice part of your Currently - needs to be my mantra!! Just found your blog through Farley's linky - I'm your newest follower!

    Science for Kids Blog

  3. I gave very similar advice. I think it's a blogger personality problem - trying to do it all. Good luck finding your motivation :)

    Brie - Breezy Special Ed

  4. Looking forward to your linky! I'm hoping to start one up sometime this month too! Can't wait to see your new design - so fun!

    Lucky to Be in First

  5. I hope you enjoy your haircut!!! Nothing makes me feel better (except maybe a pedicure) :) I loved your advice---so true and so wonderful. It is much nicer than "learn to say no!" lol. Looking forward to your linky. I am excited for you and your new design!!!!

    Teaching Texas Teens

  6. I know what you mean about dogs two bark ALL the time. It wears me out sometimes. I'm in desperate need of a haircut! Congrats on getting a new blog design. I'm hoping to get a new one this summer!

    Saddle Up For 2nd Grade

  7. I need motivation to get a new haircut. I am so afraid of trying something different. Where do you get your ideas?
    My Second Sense
