Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April in the Making LINKY! + a Freeeeeebie

Hey there bloggy friends! So, I made somewhat of a New Years Resolution in Passing this year to be a better blogger.  I've gotten much more consistent with my blogging, but I think I could do more! I'm not quite ready to do weekly linkies, so I decided I would make my own monthly linky that all of you lovelies could link up to! And so, today, this is born ...
I will post one of these in the first week of each month -- starting today with April! Then you'll have a week to link up with us! :)
 Each month, you'll answer the same five questions!  Tell us about your favorite part of that month, what you've got going in in your classroom, Something you "Must Have" for the month, something you plan to make, and one goal you have for the month!
Then, once you've answered your questions, be sure to head back here to link up.  Then you can check out other blogs to see their "Months in the Making!"  Please comment on at least one blog that you know and love as well as two blogs that are new to you! 

Alright, I'll start! :)
My favorite part of April is digging out the Spring Clothes from the depths of my closet.  I'm in somewhat of a style transition as of late... definitely trying to mix it up.  So APRIL is calling OUT for me to go shopping!  I've been scouring Pinterest for some cute Spring outfits.  Here are a few that I found....

Can you tell I'm into the whole "Pastels" thing that's going on right now? L-O-V-E
 In class we'll be continuing operation "All Things Spring"  We've already started working in our Smile.. It's Spring Literacy Pack.  Up next, the kids will make their own version of a Spring Craftivity/Poem using their five senses.  Here's my example:

 This is from my Smile... It's Spring Literacy Centers! The pack comes with 6 additional centers and activities that are Common Core Aligned.

We're also beginning our April Math Journals!  I've blogged about math journals a million times before, so I won't go into detail here.  Just know -- They rock!  Here's a freebie from the set that you can try in your class!

If you want to know more, you can check out the item in my store by clicking the image below!
 My absolute, without a doubt, daydream about it, MUST HAVE for April:

Hershey's Chocolate Eggs.  Go out and buy 15 bags, you will not regret it! They only come out around Easter time, and I'm always sure to stock up!
In an effort to cook more and eat out less, I have actually gone back to LOOK at all my food pins on Pinterest.  Are you guilty of pinning a bunch of amazing stuff and then never going back to make/try it all out?  I have a friend who made a pinterest board titled "Stuff I've Actually Done" ... Genius!  Here are some recipes that I *HOPE* to make in April!

Stuffed Peppers in a Creamy Tomato Basil Sauce
*Because they SOUND amazing!*
Caramel Pretzel Brownies
*Because they LOOK amazing!*
My April Goal is to work out, in some small way, at least 3 days a week.  That may sound like a small goal to you, but I am obscenely lazy.  The second I get home, I'm on the couch and it takes a serious emergency to get me off!  My husband is a member at Planet Fitness and they can bring a guest with them each time.  I have discovered they have WiFi.  So the plan of action is to take my iPad a couple days a week and just do the bike or the elliptical while reading!
Alright, that's it for me! Now hurry and link up so you can share your April in the Making! :)


  1. Thanks for linking up! Going to check it out now! :)

  2. That first outfit is so cute! I like the idea of a "stuff I've done" Pinterest board - genius! And I'm not lazy, but I swear my couch sucks the life outta me! I have to go to the gym on my way home or I never make it!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  3. I am a new wife!! I am so impressed with your blog! I have been teaching 3 years but have just gotten into the blogging world. I love it!

    1. Aw thanks, I'm heading over to check out your blog now! :)

  4. I love all of the spring themes--those clothes are TOO cute! Thanks for having this Linky. I started my blog last fall and am just getting the hang of it finally. This is such a fun way to connect! The Learning Lab

    1. Thanks for joining in... I love linky parties! :)

  5. This is fun :) I'm going to start visiting all the links right now - having a little computer trouble so it may take a while.


    Fun in the Fours

  6. Hi there! I hope you don't mind me joining your linky party!! It will be my first one so I hope I'm not breaking any blogging etiquette rules! Let me know if I do something wrong.
    P.S. I love your blog!
