Friday, February 1, 2013

Woohoo, Time for SHOPPING!

Though my sweet Colts, will not be playing in the Superbowl this year, never fear, there is still something to celebrate! Whether you are rooting for the Ravens or the 49'ers, you can still win this weekend! TPT is throwing a huge SALE and I'm participating! On Sunday, February 3rd,  I will take 20% off the price of ALL items in my store.  By using TPT's Promo code, you can save even MORE, for a complete savings of 28%  Click the graphic below, made by the fabulous Lindsey at Primary Polka Dots to check out my store!
For a better look at some of the items that will be for sale in my store, click around below! I know I will be stocking up on TONS of Valentine's Day things as well center activities for the remainder of the year! I Can't WAIT!


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