Sunday, February 3, 2013

Currently and Sale Day! Oh yeah, and the Super Bowl...

Hey friends! Happy Sunday! If you are like me, then you're still in your pajamas putting off your lesson planning! :) 
I don't know about you, but for me, there's something special about the beginning of a new month.  I'm always amazing at how quickly the last month has gone and pumped up for what's to come! So happy to kick off February with Farley by participating in the February Currently!  :)
Well there ya have it! :) You should go link up and share your own February Currently!
I mentioned how much I'm loving TPT's Sale going on! I have spent so much money, I can only hope to make it back in my own store haha.  Click below to check out my items (for 28% off) and to browse some other amazing stores that are for sale! :)
Last but not least (well, kinda least...) Enjoy the super bowl today! I'm in no way invested in either of these teams, so I'm just hoping for a good action-packed game! :)


  1. Still in PJs and hoping to lesson plan sometime before midnight.
    Can't wait for Valentine's and 100th day.
    My Second Sense

  2. My husband and I had a conversation about feet draggers at the grocery store last night!! He was fussing at me for dragging my feet. I found it funny because I always fuss at a student of mine for dragging his feet in the hallway because it drives me crazy!!!! On behalf of all feet draggers, I apologize!!! :)

  3. I'm visiting from Farley's Feb Currently!! I LOVE Einstein Bagels they are the best!! They have yummmmy vanilla coffee too!

    All Things Teachery

  4. I love skiing - but I definitely am sore afterwards! I went yesterday - so I feel your pain literally!

  5. I just found your blog through Farley - I love your wedding photo! Hope you earned your spendings back in the sale today. :)

    Learning in the Little Apple

  6. I'm a first year wife and teacher too, glad I found your blog through Currently!

    Teaching In Oz

  7. Hi! Cute blog! We're your newest followers thanks to Farley's currently! Your blog is cute! Feet draggers drive me crazy!! Have a great day!
    Little Birdy Designs

    1. sorry I repeated myself... it's 6:30 AM and I clearly haven't had my coffee yet. =)

  8. I am your newest follower : ) CUTE blog!
    Sparkle in Second
