Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013, Currently, and Penguin Punctuation!

First and foremost, I want to wish all of you a VERY happy 2013! 
2012 brought my life a whoooole lot of craziness! I worked, wedding planned, and volunteered while student teaching.  I graduated college in May, was offered my first teaching job in June, Got married a week later, honeymooned, started my first year teaching, bought a house, was robbed, lost my dog, found my dog! SHEESH! It is exhausting just typing it all! WHAT. A. YEAR! I kept it pretty chill last night, played some board games + old school video games with a few friends ... So Happy New Years to you from us!
In 2013, I plan to blog my little heart away! I will start RIGHT NOW with a fabulous Currently -- brought to you from Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade!
Back to teaching stuff! Before we left for break, I whipped out this bad boy.  I don't know what it is about these centers, but my kids LOVE them! They are so engaged and love working together to solve them.  Plus, it hits a TON of skills all in one! 
This past fall, I posted a freebie called Pumpkin Punctuation and since then, I've had many requests to make more Punctuation and Sentence Fluency Centers, so I'm on a quest to make a bunch of different themes.  You can grab Penguin Punctuation & Sentence Fluency HERE for $2.00!  Keep your eye out for the next one - *Lovey* Punctuation! :)
P.S. I am MAJORLY excited to have reached over 200 followers on my little old blog.  Check back soon because I will be throwing a big giveaway to celebrate! :)


  1. Holy mother of pearl! You aren't kidding about all the 2012 craziness!
    I too need some new glasses. My lenses are splintering at the edges. Thank goodness of contacts.
    Love the pumpkin and penguin punctuation.
    Good luck in the year 2013.
    Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun

  2. I found your blog through Farley!!
    Congratulations on a BUSY 2012! I hope 2013 brings you only joy!
    Second grade was a fabulous year to teach for me. I just loved that the kids were gaining a little independence.
    Happy New Year!
    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  3. Found you through Farley's Currently and am your newest follower. My post will go live tomorrow! You have a great blog.

    Happy 2013!
    at Keeping Up With First Grade

  4. Hi Kelly,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am your newest follower! I almost put the same "one little word" as you, but then changed mine!

  5. Hey Kelly! I found your blog on Currently and I am your newest follower! We seem to have a lot in common ;)! Cheers to 2013 and blogging out hearts out!
    Sent From My iPad

  6. WOW! Now THAT is a year. Gee whiz!! Kinda curious what 2013 will bring you! I'll keep stalking you, girl!
    Growing Firsties is co-hosting a Shout Out Linky

  7. Phew, I got tired READING that! Guess 2012 was a bit cray for you. I'm sure 2013 has some more amazing things in store for you! I'm a first year, 2nd grade teacher too and your newest follower :)

    Primary Teacherhood
