Thursday, December 27, 2012

My favorite 12 in '12! So fun! :)

Ugh -- I know I say this all the time, but I swear I'm going to try to be a better blogger!  I think I'll start with a linky party! Today I'm linking up to share my 12 favorites of 2012! Click the picture and you can link up, too!
12. Favorite movie you watched:
I have a serious problem with movies.  I.  Love. Them. ALL.  I love action movies, romance movies, cheesy romantic comedies... I love funny movies, scary movies, horribly made but also laughable movies.  Picking one is so hard for me, but I think I will go with...
I had read the book many years back and fallen in love.  So naturally, I was apprehensive about the movie as it seems movies tend to ruin perfectly wonderful books.  But this movie was *perfect*
11. Favorite TV series:
Yikes.  It seems that this 12 in 12 linky will reveal me as quite an addict, because I have a serious problem with TV as well! haha I have many shows that I watch pretty religiously.  They range from dramas like Grey's Anatomy all the way to cheesy teenager vampire shows like The Vampire Diaries (but come on... Ian Somerhalder... need I say more?!?).  My favorite series of 2012 was by far...
...New Girl! Mostly becaue of Schmidt!   My husband likes this show, too and it's nice to not have to watch it all alone like all my other shows! :)
10. Favorite restaurant:
We have gone out to eat a lot this year.  It was my first year of teaching, and at the end of the day, I just had no desire to cook!  We have a couple go-to restaurants, but this year I tried a new one and fell. in. love. 
Oh. My. Gosh. you guys.  Have you been here?!  If you like stir fry, you HAVE to go.  Right now.  Look up the nearest location and head that way for dinner!  They have a "make your own stir fry" option.  You choose a meat and a sauce, then go up to a salad bar of sorts and pick all the veggies and add-ins that you want... then they make the stir fry right in front of you.  SO GOOD!
9. Favorite new thing you tried:
Uhhh... STIR CRAZY!!! Haha, no I will give you a new answer.  This year I was introduced to the wonder that is fro-yo (frozen yogurt).  But not just any fro-yo.... Orange Leaf.  In similar fashion to Stir Crazy, Orange Leaf is a glorious place where you choose your own self-serve fro-yo and then pile it on with all the fixins your little heart desires!  I usually get a vanilla-type yogurt and pile it up with fresh berries! :)
8. Favorite gift you got:
Wow... I got a lot of gifts this year!! Between Christmas, my birthday, and getting married... I can't turn my head and not see something that was gifted to us!!  I think my favorite gift was a set of chairs my mom gave us when we bought our house.  They are from Target and are SO. STINKIN. CUTE!  They go perfectly in our living room! :)
Armless Upholstered Slipper Accent Chair-Grey Medallion
P.s.  In the online search for this chair.. I saw that Target has chairs (this style) with Chevrons.  I must have these.  I will find space for them somewhere! ;)
7. Favorite thing you pinned:
Oh gosh.  People... I pin a LOT.  I get on a pin frenzy and just can't stop myself.  There are many things I've pinned with the intention to look at later and just never got there.  Some of my favorite pins are food ones.  I'm not very creative in the kitchen, but when I get that motivation, I like to make pinterest recipes.  This one has become a go-to for our family!  So easy and delicious!
 Click the pic. for the recipe.
6. Favorite blog post:
As stated earlier, I am not quite as good at this blogging thing as I would like to be.  I would say that my favorite posts in general are fun linkies (like this one!) and opportunities to offer some great freebies!  There was one post in particular that went really well.  I was so excited to post it because I had just finished an awesome fall freebie and couldn't wait to share it!  Also in that post, I shared something I was doing in my classroom and it was pinned countless times.  You can check that post out here!
5. Best accomplishment:
My greatest accomplishment this year has been surviving my first year teaching!! I'm very proud of the hard work I've put in with these second graders.  I can't believe my first year is already halfway over!  I will not lie and say it was all rainbows and butterflies.  This stuff is HARD! But wow is it ever rewarding! :)

Here's a peek into my favorite part of our classroom!  This was taken before school started and it hasn't looked that nice since, but it is such a cozy little area and we have all our best talks at the carpet! :)
4. Favorite picture:
Can I pick two? Please?!?  These are pictures I have shared on my blog before, but can't resist an opportunity to share them again and again and again. They are from my June 8, 2012 Wedding! :)
3. Favorite memory:
My favorite memory is my entire honeymoon in Riviera Maya.  It was such a beautiful place.  It was perfect weather.  There was always something to do -- and oh my gosh -- the FOOD! I so miss having a buffet full of amazing food for every meal.  Just being there and relaxing with my new husband was perfect. 
2. Goal for 2013:
My goal for 2013 is to get better at blogging.  I love being able to reflect on my life and on my teaching and think blogging offers such a great opportunity for that.  I have learned SO much from other bloggers and gotten a million great ideas from them.  I want to be able to offer good ideas for other teachers as well.  My goal is to get more consistent with my blogging and, of course, to follow more and more amazing bloggers.  I am looking for second grade blogs -- I feel like they are few and far between.  If you have any suggestions -- please let me know! :)
1. One Little Word:
There is so much in life for us to be grateful for.  It is SO easy to overlook those things and to focus our energy on problem areas or things we are lacking.  I want this one little word to inspire me to ALWAYS focus on what I have and all those amazing blessings I should be forever grateful for.  Life is too short to dwell!
Wow!! Thanks for sticking with me!!! This was such a fun linky and a great way to round out my 2012. It was a huuuuuge year for me and I'm so excited for what 2013 has to bring!


  1. I just stumbled across your blog and am in love with your blog design. I can't wait to read all your posts. Happy holidays!

    Elementary School Garden

  2. Thanks for stopping by our blog! Loved learning more about you! New Girl is one of my very favorites too, and I my husband loves it too, andddd I got married this summer as well! Looks like we have a lot in common!

    Happy New Year!
    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  3. Loved this post! I LOVE Stir Crazy and I was JUST fondling that chair at Target TODAY! Seriously want. Love! Your wedding pics are amazing!
    Growing Firsties is co-hosting a Shout Out Linky beginning January 1st

  4. Hi! I just found your very cute blog when through the TpT forum. I signed up to participate in your giveaway, and I'm your newest follower. Loved you 12 in 12. That was probably one of my own favorite blog posts.

    Take Care, and good luck with the giveaway!
