Tuesday, August 5, 2014

FAVORITE 10 Minute Time Filler! {freebie}

Last Tuesday,  I blogged about being mindfully cross-curricular to make the most out of our limited time as teachers.  Today, I want to share another way to squeeze every spare moment out of your day.

One of my struggles as a teacher has been estimating how much time different activities will take.  Please tell me this happens to you, too?  I'm sure you've tried to fit a craftivity into a 20 minute time slot only to have to stop for specials... leaving a mess of glue and paper scraps for later.   You've probably been on the other boat, too, right?  You know... where you block out a half hour activity for something that only takes 20 minutes?  Many times, I fill that time with a read aloud or some independent reading.  Both of these work just great, they really do.  But every now and then, I get to surprise my kids with one of their FAVORITE activities. And, you guys, it's educational AND FUN!  Wee!  Fun... in kindergarten.  Those words should go together.  

I introduce to you today, your new favorite time filler.  Trust me, your kids will LOVE it and you will get some great review in of skills you've taught or are currently teaching.  I call this little ditty Mingle and Match. 

Here are 3 reasons why I *LOVE* Mingle and Match. 

Here's the premise.  I have created a BUNCH of match games to use as review or reinforcement of Kindergarten skills in your classroom.  They range from matching capital to lowercase letters all the way to matching ten frames to teen numbers.  You could certainly use these as station activities and just have students make matches at tables, but I [and the kids] enjoy it much more when you play it as a whole class game.  Each student will get a card and be expected to find the person with their matching card.  They can travel the whole room (safely, of course) searching for their match buddy.  They should be talking and moving/dancing throughout.  SO, not only does this activity give them great review, but it gives them a chance to unwind a little at the same time!  Here's how to play Mingle and Match in your classroom... step by step! 

Here's a few of my sweeties sharing their match around the rug {before I fancied up the cards!} 

My kids absolutely LOVE this game and it's so easy for a quick filler between activities.  Try it for FREE in your classroom.  Click below to download a capital/lowercase match to use at the beginning of your kinder year! 

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