Thursday, June 26, 2014

Next Year Changes

I feel like I start TOO many blog posts apologizing for my long absence.  I have a really good excuse this time, I promise. 

My husband and I found out in November that we are expecting!  Our first child is due August 6th and we're thrilled.  

Like many first time parents, we were SO excited and our heads were swimming with the possibilities.  At our 20 week anatomy scan, so excited to find out the gender, we were met with some devastating news.  Our child (girl!!!!) would be born with a severe and rare Congenital Heart Defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.  Since finding out, I have started a personal blog to chronicle our journey and to help our friends and family understand what we've been going through and what's to come.  Our daughter will have to undergo 3 Open Heart Surgeries within the first few years of life, starting in her first week.  These surgeries will reroute the valves in her heart to make the right side do ALL the work, as her left side will not function properly.  I invite you all to learn more at my personal blog by clicking the image below. 

Chances are, you know someone who has been directly affected by a Congenital Heart Defect.  1 in 100 children are born with some sort of CHD.  If you're interested in helping our little family as well as raising awareness for CHD's and HLHS (perhaps the most severe CHD of all) check out this fundraiser my family is running through the end of this week.  These t-shirts are a cute and EASY way to help raise awareness! 

SO, all this news brings me to next year's plans. Because we're looking at 2 major open heart surgeries in the next year, as well as lots of doctors appointments and medicines... I have decide to step away from the classroom for a year.  I'm taking the next year to focus on my most important job yet: being a mommy to a very special little heart warrior!  I will TRULY miss being in the classroom, but am also looking forward to the opportunity to create resources for when I return!  I will be following my Kinder team closely throughout the year to see what kinds of resources I can create to help other teachers out while I'm away from the classroom! I still plan to blog and am excited to have more time to dedicate to this! 

My husband and I so appreciate your kind words, positive thoughts, and prayers as we continue through this journey.  As we grow closer to our due date, we are nervous yet hopeful.  Please follow on my personal blog for updates on our journey and continue to check back here for some fun teaching ideas, resources, and freebies! :) 


  1. I can't imagine what you are going through Sam, but know you have lots and lots of people behind you and your little girl! I am so happy that you are taking the year off-- it goes by so quickly! :)
