Thursday, February 21, 2013

We haaaaave some winners! :)

Hey friends, as promised... I used a Random Number Generator to determine my winners! It picked Comments 7 and 16! Congrats to Special Teacher for Special Kids and Mrs. Phillips! I will be emailing you both my Measurement Monsters and Money Monsters packs... Enjoy!
For those who didn't win -- you can still pick up both packs at my store! Click the pictures to find out more.  I will have Money Monsters marked down through Saturday! :)
P.s. It's rain/snow/sleet/ice-ing over here in Indianapolis! Two hour delay tomorrow? Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to the winners! I bought the measuring monsters pack a week or two ago and LOVE it! My kiddos just finished using the activities and had fun measuring those monsters on the move!

    That's So Second Grade
