Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cyber Monday Sale + Holiday Excitement! :)

Ummm... can I just say HELLLLLLOOOOOO Thanksgiving Break.  Sorry I've been such an absentee blogger.  I feel like the kids are starting to feel a little burnt out and I know I'm getting exhausted.  CUE Thanksgiving Break.  I think these two days off will be a nice little refresher! SO I guess that means that I'm thankful for Thanksgiving!  

You know what else I'm SUPER pumped for?  THE CYBER MONDAY + TUESDAY SALE!!!

 TpT is throwing a great sale to show how thankful we are for great teachers like you! :)  I will be offering 20% off of my entire store.  Combine that with TPT's discount and you can save 28% on all my items.  Check out the link up at the bottom of this entry to see who else is putting their store on sale?  Can you tell I'm excited?  MY shopping cart is FILLED with goodies! :) 

That being said -- I can't WAIT to show you some of the goodies I have been working on!  I absolutely l.o.v.e the holidays and have been really busy making some winter/holiday themed products.  EEK! I just can't even explain how happy the graphics make me... Don't they just put you in the spirit?

I hope these products can help you prepare for the holiday/winter season with your classroom of little elves! Check out my store for tons of other items.  Now, it's time for me to focus back in on Thanksgiving! I hope you all enjoy this special time with your families.  This has been a CRAZY year for me -- Graduating college while working and volunteering, Getting married, Honeymooning, Getting my first job, Experiencing my First year Teaching, Buying a House --- Wow, I'm getting tired just typing about it! I know I have SOOOO SO much to be thankful for. Can't wait to celebrate these things tomorrow -- sending my best to you and yours! 


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! I feel the same way...just need a few days off to put myself back together. Your units look so cute!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  2. I think your products look adorable! I found your blog through the Cyber Monday link up. I've always seen you around TPT, just never in blog land.

    I'd love for you to swing by my blog!
    Hope you're having a great Thanksgiving!

    Second Grade Nest
