Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hellooooooooooo November!

So I don't blog often or even remotely consistently... but I never miss a Currently!  I'm linking up with sweet Farley from Oh Boy 4th Grade for a NOVEMBER (gasp!) currently! :) 

*p.s. - I may not have followed directions on the music part! I just read that we were supposed to talk about the music we play in class.  I play calming music from around the world!  We also listen to a lot of educational songs on youtube.

Well there you have it -- Welcome to November, folks! HOW INSANELY FAST is this year going?  Before you know it, it will be *Christmas* and I absolutely. can. not. wait!  To slow myself down a little.. I'm getting myself excited for Thanksgiving!  Be sure to check out my Thanksgiving Math and Literacy Centers! Click the picture for more info. 

That's it for me! ENJOY your weekend! 


  1. I'm with you on grading...where is the magic grading fairy???? :)

    The Polka-dotted Teacher

  2. Hi, Samantha! I really like the font you used in your Currently. What is it called? My husband and I have three cats and although they have a litter box, they are in our bed at 6 in the morning bugging us for food and to be let out onto the porch. However, if they were more self-sufficient I'd have two very fat kitties and one would starve to death!
    I hate grading! I wish I had people to do it for me. I am really behind, too.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Now, I'm a new follower of you! :)

    1. You are going to love me! That font is called Hello Sketchie and it's from .. She has a BUNCH of ADORABLE free fonts! :)

  3. I love Halloween candy too!! The problem is I eat it ALL... and I mean ALL.....

  4. The Halloween candy has got to go. I can't quit eating it!

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  5. Laffy Taffy is the best thing ever! I organized my kids' candy already and my lunch box has a few of then for next week :)
    My Second Sense

  6. I have had a sweet tooth lately and I can't avoid the candy. It is just a necessity for my sweet tooth. Yum. I'm with you on needing to slow down and enjoy Thanksgiving before Christmas:)

    We are ALL Special!

  7. I want the kids and the dog to be trained to feed themselves, potty themselves, and clean up after themselves. I have given up on training hubby. =)

    Think, Wonder, & Teach
